Thursday, November 20, 2008

An Amazing Discovery...

I discovered something about myself last night that made me VERY HAPPY. I can read and crochet at the same time. Its amazing, truly. You see, before I knew this, I would have to stop crocheting so I could read, or stop reading so I could crochet. The first would make me feel guilty, the second would just be very frustrating. But, now that I have found this's great. I can simply do both.

Here are the little guys I made yesterday. These are quite a bit diferent from what I've been working on, but I really love them. They're adorable. They're about 3 inches wide by about 2 inches tall.

This next little guy is a chipmunk, in case you were wondering! :)
So, which is your favorite? Should I make more in this style?

Craft Fair Count: 35.


Anonymous said...

These are very cute, but I think I like the other style better. Keep up the great work...your stuff is amazing. I also like the pickles better with faces. Love you, MOM

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, i dont really know which style i like better... The new ones have the cute big round head thing going for them but the other ones have the weird shaped head going for them. Iunno :/
Either way they both look good, i dont know which ones i would make more of i wonna say im leaning toward what your mom said, but i still dont know. Anyways, cant wait to see you take care and much love.