Cute, huh? But these guys aren't just stuffed animals like I've made before, they're...

FINGER PUPPETS! I really love them (the dog more so than the cat, I think). What do you think? Will people buy a pattern for this kind of thing? I want to make at least five different puppets. I have the dog and the cat, and I know I want to make a mouse, but what other animals do you all suggest I make?
And here are a couple of layouts I did using Oscraps's February collab, XOXO. You can check it out at Oscraps, here.

The field trip today was pretty awesome. The museum was AMAZING. I wish we could have been there longer so that I could have seen more. As it was, I only saw two exhibits and an IMAX movie in addition to our behind the scenes tour. But the tour was super cool. We went back in the fossil collections rooms and saw all of the fossils that they don't have on display, which is a ton.
And we got to touch the bones. Dinosaur bones, wooly mammoth bones, saber tooth tiger bones, all of them. I touched a T-Rex's leg bone and held a triceratops horn. (Well, a good sized section of the horn, and MAN, that thing was heavy!) I learned so much and it was so interesting. I really want to go back and browse the whole museum at my own pace.
Oh im so jealous! You got to touch and hold dinosaur bones and you dont even like jurassic park movies! But i'm glad your having such an awesome time in this cool new class you got now. Wish i could go :(. As far as puppets are concerned(thanks) i think maybe a flower would be cute if thats possible, might be hard w/ the peddles and all but iunno i'll let you know some other time. Take care!
Love ya!
Ella says you should make a sheep, panda, or brown bear, Egan says "maybe a lion." I like Rob's flower idea and would love to see a goldfish. I also think sets of various types of animals would be neat and more saleable (i.e. a set of five farm animals, house pets, jungle animals, water animals, etc.)
I love the animals! They are awesome! I love them both and would definitely buy them, but not the patterns since I don't crochet. I think you should add a giraffe or monkey to your collection. I'm so glad you had a blast in Denver. I agree with Rob, I'm so jealous. I'd love to go there someday. Love you lots, MOM
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