Here are a few layouts I've been working on lately. This one uses Mandy Mystique's kit Peachy Keen, available here. It was for a challenge at ESS- I had to use the word "Family" somewhere on my page. I really like the picture, too.

This one uses Amanda Heimann Designs' collab with Eva Kipler Designs, I Sea. I Sea was just recently released at Scrap Orchard, you can check it out here. I love this kit. It is perfect for beach pics or swimming pics or Sea World pics (which is what I have!).

This one is for another challenge at ESS- we had to use these lyrics on our page. I'm kind of iffy about this layout. I'm not sure I really like it. But anyways, it uses Pixie Perfect Designs' Hopes and Dreams kit, available here.

And now a few pictures! These are all from March 12 and are all of Egan and Nico! Hope they make you smile!

1 comment:
Thanks for brightening my day! The only thing that could've made Easter better is if we'd had you at home with us. We all love you and miss you so much! You were truly missed yesterday and we all look forward to having you come home for the summer. It won't be long now. :) Love you lots, MOM P.S. I love the layouts but especially the pics of the boys. Too cute!
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