Monday, August 31, 2009

Happy Birthday, Christin!

I hope you have a wonderful day! Enjoy playing with your present!

Here's a little guy I made before class this morning. And just to get a sense of how tiny he is...

It's sushi!

No, wait a second...

It's a fish! Lol. I had a lot of fun making this cool toy.

My first day of class went very well. I still can't quite believe that it's a class. It's just fun, I think.


ABCD Diaries said...

Thanks for the bday wishes:) The Wii hasn't arrived yet, but we can hardly wait!! That turtle is adorable!! And wait...does the fish turn into sushi? That is absolutely amazing!! What a clever idea:) Great work as always! Good to hear your class is going so well...have fun!

Jean said...

The sushi fish is too cool. I bet you could sell a lot of those since they're so amazing. Love you, MOM