Sunday, August 30, 2009

Now that I'm back at school...

I have time to catch up with the blog! Here are some pictures from the past few weeks.

Robert and I vacationed in Houston for a few days, going to the zoo, all kinds of museums, and NASA, among other places. We had so much fun.

Here are a few pictures from the Colorado vacation...I have hundreds, so this is really just a start.
(That's my hand, lol.)

I spent most of the day yesterday settling in to my room. I really love it. The room itself is HUGE, so much bigger than anything I've had so far at CC.
This is my entry way/closet area.
Notice the AC unit! And the giant fridge! Okay, it isn't really giant, but it's twice the size of the ones I've had in the past two years. This is my super comfy recliner that I bought at a thrift store for $9.99. I set up my yarn on one side and my stuffing on the other, so I'm ready to sit down and create! This is the view out my window. No, it's not mountains, but it's still pretty cool. Can you read it?
And then this morning I sat in my comfy chair and made this super cute little guy. He's a baby harp seal, and he could use a name if you feel inclined to make suggestions! (Sorry for the not so great pictures of my room and the seal, it's cold and rainy and overcast outside today so I don't have very much natural light coming in.)

I need all the good thoughts/luck you can spare this week...classes start tomorrow, and then I have a job interview on Tuesday, so throw me some good wishes, please!

1 comment:

ABCD Diaries said...

Awesome room and adorable seal...Ari says you should name him/her "Tweeka"...we'll be sending positive thoughts your way...have a fantabulous week!!