Monday, November 2, 2009

Back to writing patterns...

I hope everyone had a fantastic Halloween! I know I did...there was a Halloween video dance party in the student center here on campus with free pizza and candy and two djs, karaoke, and five gazillion people all dressed up in crazy costumes. I saw at least 7 people dressed up as swine flu. :)

In addition to the Halloween festivities, this weekend I continued crocheting. I get bored with making the same things over and over, though, so I decided to create a couple new patterns. This dinosaur is a little bit of a remake of last year's dino, just improved (I think) and a little smaller. I was smart and wrote down the all the steps of the pattern as I went along, so I can make him and the other two again and again, exactly the same! I'm contemplating bright blue spots, what do you think?

He just looks like he's missing something...
Even though he is happy! (I wasn't sure how the pattern would turn out, so I didn't waste any of my safety eyes, I just used yarn. It doesn't look as good, but it's cheaper!)
I also whipped up this cute little butterfly. I think I want antennae, I'm just not quite sure how I want to do that.
And then this guy. He's my favorite. Maybe my favorite EVER. I just adore his sweet little face. He's the cutest thing I've seen/made in a long time.
Don't you think he's adorable?
And his cute little upturned sweet!
Ok, I'll admit it, I'm a little bit obsessed with him. (Do any of my brilliant nieces or nephews want to name him? I don't name everything, but he deserves one.) I almost want to keep him and not sell him. I'm already imagining all the different color combos I could make.
And lastly, the box is getting more full! I keep all my completed creations stuffed in this box. (Yes, there are some things in there that I haven't shown you all, like three little birds, six eggs/chicks, two lambs, two koalas, and more. I just can't update the blog every time I make something, or I would be posting every day. We wouldn't want that, now would we?)

Wish me luck this evening and tomorrow...I'm writing my first paper for this class, a 5-pager. Plus my professor is an English professor when he's not teaching Westerns and other film studies classes, so it needs to be a very well-written paper. Ugh. :)

1 comment:

Becky_Hensley said...

I love the dog and have been wanting to talk to you and see if you could do a project similar to that. I'll email you about it. Good luck on your paper!