Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Settling in...

It's good to be back on campus. Well, kind of. Of course I miss everyone at home, but it's good to get back into a more organized, scheduled pattern of life. Not as much fun, definitely, but less exhausting! So here are my P365 photos since my last post.

January 12- Rob and I celebrated his cousin Juanio's birthday with Juanio and his family and Pancho Villa. (Not a good idea, let me tell you. Almost everyone who drank it got sick, with the exception of me and Juanio's brother Justin.)

January 13- I ate this delicious, ginormous candy bar. (Ok, I forgot to take a picture until really late, and this is all I could come up with!)

January 14- Rob and I ate at this really yummy and unique restaurant in San Antonio.

January 15- Going away party at the Banda house.

January 16- Frozen pizza party at Mom and Dad's house.

January 17- My flight got delayed and I missed my connecting flight in Dallas. I had to take a later flight and I finally got to my room around 5 pm.

January 18- First day of class! I decided to get out of Foundations of Nonviolence and into State and Local Government.

January 19- Before class every morning we are required to read the New York Times. Luckily they have free copies in the building my class is in.

So that's basically how my life has been. I'm all unpacked and have started crocheting again because I'm in need of money. I've decided not to stress over getting off the meal plan and just stay on, which has prompted something crazy. Something you might not believe. I'm eating vegetables. Really, between yesterday and today I've had 9.5 servings of fruits and veggies. And only 3 of those were fruits! I've discovered that fresh baby spinach has no taste. And broccoli isn't THE most disgusting thing in the world. And I really do like carrots.
See? I told you that you wouldn't believe me. Just wait until tomorrow's photo of the day. I'll show you.


Jean said...

I'm still shocked that you're eating vegetables. But I'm also very pleased to hear it and as you've learned they're not all yucky. If you think it's yucky you can add cheese or dip it in ranch dressing. Ha! Ha! Cheese and ranch dressing can make anything taste better. Love to see your pics and wanted to say thanks again for posting. Love you, MOM

Anonymous said...

Love the picture of the two Daniel's!!! Great to see you posting on your blog again and really glad your my neighbor on fishville :)
Love you sweetie
Aunt Lisa