Thursday, January 28, 2010

Snowy weather...

I have a little time to spare, so I thought I'd get caught up. I don't really have any fanciful notions about posting every day or anything, but I figure the more I post the more I make some people (I'm talking to YOU, Mom!) happy.

Because I'm not on the meal plan, this is a view I see very often as I walk to Worner for dinner at night. The sun goes down behind the mountains around five, so it's always dark on my walk to dinner. And as much as the food in Rastall isn't amazing, they do have really yummy rolls for their "sliders". Instead of making full-size burgers and grilled chicken sandwiches, they now have a "slider bar" every day. I think it's pretty awesome. (Sorry about the crappy cell phone picture, I didn't have my real camera with me.) (January 27)
And this is what I woke up to this morning. It snowed over night and continued snowing off and on all day. It was very cold, as I'm sure you can imagine. This picture was taken from the steps of Palmer Hall as I left class around 12:00 pm. (January 28)
I met with the director of Off-Campus Studies today just after lunch. She was super enthusiatic about the Chicago program and about me going in my senior year. She said she thinks that is the best time to go because after spending so much time learning in the classroom you get to apply your knowledge in a real life setting. She was also very excited about the fact that I want to be a midwife, and gave me a lot of suggestions on things to read and places to check out to help with my Capstone Project for my major. Basically she was just amazing and so helpful. It makes me even more excited about everything!

1 comment:

Jean said...

Love the photo of the lamp posts in the snow. I thought about using it as my wallpaper background here at work.

Congrats on your exciting news regarding your Chicago adventure. It will be an amazing educational experience as well as a great opportunity to see how another college functions. I'm sure it will be very different from CC.

Have a great weekend! Enjoy your various photo ops. Love you, MOM