Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What was in your Easter basket?

I know Easter was a little while ago, but I just got around to taking these pictures off my camera. I had a wonderful Easter. I missed seeing everyone, but I got a few surprises in the mail that made me smile.

First, I got these:

Brand new tennis shoes! I so needed them, because my others were so old and worn that they had holes in them. You could see what color my socks were through my shoes. I love these shoes. They are so comfortable and nice. I've put them to good use with my workouts and other activities (like walking 2 miles to get a money order today).

I've been making so many animals that I ran out of stuffing, but Robert was sweet enough to buy some and send it to me. What I didn't know is that he stuck some other things in there, too! When I opened the box, there was a card and six large plastic Easter eggs full of Hot Tamales, Cow Tails, and little packets of Kool-Aid that you mix into a bottle of water. And the best part? A $20 gift card to Pizza Hut so I could have a break from eating in the cafeteria. Over block break I had this:

A large, thin crust, Pepperoni Lovers pizza with extra cheese. It lasted four meals and was the most delicious thing I've had in a long time. (I think Rob must have missed the memo about me trying to eat healthier and stuff. Oh well, I love him and his gifts anyway.)

It was a great Easter.

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