Sunday, May 9, 2010

To my mother...

and every other mother I know, happy Mother's Day! I hope that you are all able to relax and have a wonderful day.

I'm horrible at keeping secrets, so I told my Mom about half of her Mother's Day present. Here it is, a gorgeous handmade single serving teapot made by a super cool CC student. (Sorry, not me!)
I traded for it yesterday at Llamapalooza, and got a super great deal. The price on it was 1.5 times more than the price of one of my animals, but the guy traded me for just one octopus. So I'm happy with that!
The coloring on it is gorgeous, and it looks way better in person. Here it's reflecting everything in my room (the light from the window, the lights in the room, the brightness of the fabric under it, etc), so you can't really tell how gorgeous the coloring is. But just trust me, it's gorgeous. :)
I love you, Mom, and I hope you love it!

1 comment:

Jean said...

Thank you so much, Janie! It's beautiful and I love it! I can't wait to try it out and know I only have to wait a few more days. We're all excited it's time for you to come home for the summer. Let the parties begin. :) Love you lots and thanks again. You're awesome! MOM