Monday, April 6, 2009

It's that time of year...

Everybody is getting antsy for the end of the year, for summer, even for next year. The question that everyone is asking is "What are your plans for this summer?". And so I'm working on my summer plans. I know I need a job. I applied at a really cool summer day camp, so hopefully that will work out. If not, I have a few less fun jobs that I'm applying for as well.

Also, on Friday we turned in our Preregistration forms for next year, with the classes we want to take. On Wednesday everyone finds out what classes they actually got in. I can't wait! I'm really hoping that I got into everything I put down...if so, it's going to be a really fun year next year! (And I'll finish up all but 2 of the classes I need for my Southwest Studies major.)

This Friday, apartment applications for next year are due. In case you hadn't heard, I'm applying to live in an on-campus apartment next year with three other girls. The great thing about that is that I can go off the meal plan and make/buy my own food. This will save me a TON of money. Seriously, for first semester I'll end up paying about $700 (for tuition, my room, AND insurance) and then for the second semester, CC will end up refunding me almost $1000. Plus my MEF scholarship is $625 each semester, which would pay for food. So all in all, at the end of the year, I would be getting paid to go to school. (This is how I'm hoping it works out, at least! I sent the Financial Aid Office an email to check all of my facts, I'll let you know when they get back with me!)

Because I've been so bad about posting pictures in the past week, here's one from each day!

March 12:
March 13:
March 14:
March 15:
March 16: (Look at that elbow! And she swore it felt fine. Yeah right!)
March 17:
March 18:
Marh 19:
March 21: (Look closely...his toe is actually UP his nose!)

1 comment:

Jean (aka Janie's Mom and biggest fan) said...

The picture of Daniel makes me hurt. It's too cute, but good golly gosh how can he do that? Maybe he'll be a gymnast. Good luck on getting the apartment. I know this is something you really do want and I'm crossing my fingers for you. Thanks for posting more pics! Love you, MOM