Thursday, February 5, 2009

Quick update...

Winter Ball was a ton of fun. I went with four other girls, one of whom is actually from CSpgs. So we went over to her mom's house to get ready and her mom made us a delicious meal. Then we went to the Ball. It was super packed, but still fun. The only bad part was waiting in line at coat check for 45 minutes at 1 am.

So I had so much fun last Friday...then woke up feeling just kind of blah on Saturday. By Sunday morning I felt horrible- I'm pretty sure it was just a cold. It got progressively worse over the past few days rather than better, but I think I've finally turned the last corner. I hope so. I'm so ready to feel better. I've been taking medicine and sucking down orange juice, trying to feel better because...

My research paper is due tomorrow. This is the super gigantic independent project worth 30% of my grade. Ugh. I've found some general sources, I just need to sit down and pull out all of the information and then get to writing. I just want to get past tomorrow, because I have some sweet plans for the weekend...

I know lots of people in the family and here at school have been sick, so here's hoping everyone (including myself) feels better ASAP!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What are these plans you speak of? Glad to hear you're feeling better!